Attention: You’ve boarded our ‘Info flight’ that will take you through the journey of the Athlerd Philjons.
Warning: Seat belts ON! 😉

Hover / tap on the picture cards below to unmask a few secrets of the Athlerd Philjons and have a sneak-peek at them!

Athlerd®(noun) : Fusion of two nouns – “athlete” and “nerd”.
Meaning : An intellectual genius who is also elite in sports.

Thomas Philjon

Genius, Billionaire (to-be), Triathlete, Philanthropist

Jack of all trades, but Master in Football Business and Management.

Ladies & gentlemen, welcome aboard our info flight. This is the captain speaking! Sit back, relax and enjoy the rest of the flight. 

Like most superheros, I wasn’t born with superpowers. I’ve taken time to build, develop and master them (not necessarily in a cave 😜)….

Being born in an Indian middle class family has its own series of perks and cons:
Perks – You would be forced to study and excel in academics.
Cons – The force exerted by your family to excel in academics would be greater than the gravitational force exerted by a black hole ! 😜

Naturally / forcefully, I was fascinated towards studies and grew up to be a curious guy wishing to become a scientist and invent something . Published an IEEE paper in my U.G. – (B.Tech I.T.) and numerous other out-of-the box quirks in college to end up being the “Best outgoing student of the department”.

Entered into the I.T. profession and the monotonous job nature of a software developer with no physical activity, was miles away from athletics. Started excelling in sports like swimming (always my favorite), cycling, running, triathlon, trekking, cross fitness,  ice skating(recently) and realized – “With great grit, comes great powers”.

After almost a decade in the I.T. industry, I did not wish to be the Jack of all trades, but Master of none. Pursued a Master in Football business and Management from SBI Barcelona during the pandemic and graduated with highest honors as the “Valedictorian and Honorary student”  again in P.G.

So you may wonder, how did the transformation to an athlete happen all of a sudden? I guess it would be best to write a separate post about this journey.

I know it is confusing. It is one thing to question the official story, and another thing entirely to make wild accusations, or insinuate that I’m a superhero because that would be outlandish and fantastic. I’m just not the hero type, clearly, with this laundry list of weaknesses and defects.. Um..

The truth is – “I am ATHLERD!”

Jack of all trades, but Master in Football Business and Management.

Mitzie Philjon

Just because something looks good, doesn't mean it can't be made better...
Be obsessed with everything that you love!

Greetings, this is info flight’s co-pilot speaking. We won’t keep you on air for long, our flight will reach it’s destination shortly 😉

So, what do I believe in? I strive to be the generalist in a world that demands specialists, because why put your head into just one thing when there are truckloads of other exciting things to do, yeah?! Currently, I’m a self-taught/learning graphic & website designer for a year who loves creating designs, bringing concepts to life etc. So, you’ll be seeing a lot of creative illustrations coming from this site 😉

I believe life isn’t a race, but rather an experiment that we all must enjoy working on! Poetry, art, music & sport are what I live for. These are my life’s most beautiful experiments!❤️

Hmmm… So, where do I fit in the Nerd category, one might wonder?! Don’t let the above description alone distract you 😜 I’ve got a Bachelors’ in Engineering, worked as a Database Admin (DBA) for 3 years (Typical Indian eh?!). I’ve also got a Masters’ in Football Business Management from The Football Business Academy, Switzerland.

And did I mention my hobbies…? I can solve a Rubik’s cube 3×3 under 2 minutes & a 4×4 under 10 minutes (trying to better myself everyday) 😉 Also love solving the hardest of sudoku puzzles like a walk in the park 😉 Alright, that’s enough for now…

We’ve reached the destination. Thank you for choosing our info flight & we hope you loved the experience! Do fly again with us, we wish you a beautiful day/night ahead! ❤️

Mitzie Philjon

Just because something looks good, doesn't mean it can't be made better...
Be obsessed with everything that you love!

To know more about the brand, check out our mascot page – Dr. Cham’π’nstein.